Graduate Team: Angela and Cam
About the Team: Cam, a female yellow Lab, is Angela’s 1st guide dog
Hometown: Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Guide Dog Mobility Instructor: Caryn Fellows
March On-Campus Training
Angela came to Guiding Eyes for her first guide dog. As the mom of two children, 16 and 9, she is kept busy with their activities, but enjoys her book club and karate. Angela is looking forward to experiencing her independence with guide dog Cam by enrolling in community college this fall. She plans to study sociology or psychology and her goal is to pursue a career that allows her the opportunity to help others.
How would you describe your guide dog? “Cam is a little princess and a lady. She even sits with her front paws crossed! She is also energetic and not afraid to get dirty. She loves to roll in the snow. Cam and my kids get along great!”
What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes? “As my kids got older, I realized I was often relying on them. I wanted to remove that responsibility from them as much as possible. I also recognized how anxious I had become with COVID. It is very hard to ‘social distance’ when you cannot see and judge where you are relative to others. I knew a guide dog could help me with both situations. I started following Guiding Eyes on Facebook, as well as a group of moms with guide dogs. Both gave me insight into what is possible with the help of a guide dog. I liked what was presented on Guiding Eyes’ social media.”
How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “In just a few weeks, I already feel more confident and independent. I am also less anxious. Cam has gone to doctor’s appointments with the kids and I, and she did great! I feel a huge weight has been lifted off me and I smile a lot more.”
Were there any training highlights? “It can be hard to trust other people sometimes, never mind a dog! But I learned to close my eyes and let Cam take over; I quickly realized I can rely on her. In addition, I gained an appreciation for all the work so many do to provide such quality dogs. I am so grateful for all the staff and puppy raisers at Guiding Eyes. I knew I would go to the Guiding Eyes campus and learn to handle a guide dog, but I did not expect to laugh so much and have fun! The other two students in my class were experienced guide dog users and they were very helpful. Caryn, Stephanie and Chelsea are excellent trainers.”
Cam is a bright, energetic dog with many skills. Her super skill is being able to go place for an extended period of time. She learned this from a retired GEB dog while on a puppy swap! Her surprise skill is crawling under furniture: beds, sofas, tables you name it. We used to joke that Cam had the bottom bunk, because we would find her hanging out underneath my daughter’s bed. We loved raising Cam, and we are proud that she is becoming a guide dog.
Donna Felsenheld, Puppy Raiser of Cam