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Annual Health Surveys (10/2024)

Yellow guide dog Parfait stands on wooden bridge over grassHello Graduates,

We are getting ready to send out Annual Health Surveys. As you know, our guide dogs’ health is of utmost importance to us. We appreciate your participation and willingness to provide pertinent information about your guide dog through this process.

Here is what to expect:

If we need to update your email address on file, you will be contacted as follows: 

  1. Phone calls – Grads will be receiving phone calls from caller IDs “Health Survey” and “Health Survey 2”. The phone numbers will appear as +1-845- 230-6430, and +1-845-230-6434, respectively.
  2. Text messages – For grads that prefer a text message, a text will be received from +1-914-875-2224.

Survey requests: 

You will receive an email request to complete your Annual Health Survey. We were previously using SurveyMonkey, but requests will now come from “FormAssembly”.

If you encounter any difficulties or want to update your email address with us now, feel free to reach out to the Client Experience team at or 888-987-2188.

Please note that we will begin sending out surveys in the next few months. They will be sent out in batches, so there will be a longer delay for some graduates to receive the request to complete their survey.

Nikki Wentz
Admissions Manager