Graduate Team: Charles and Ives
About the Team: Ives, a male yellow Lab; Charles’ 1st guide dog
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Training: December 2024 On-Campus
Charles was born and raised in the inner city of Baltimore, Maryland. In 1996, he suffered a gunshot wound that resulted in significant loss of his eyesight. At the time of his injury, he was also diagnosed with glaucoma and currently has minimal light perception. Charles has hearing loss as well and wears a hearing aid in his left ear while waiting on a cochlear implant for his right. Although he is not currently employed, after he receives the implant to improve his hearing, he plans on returning to the workforce. Charles’ most recent job was through the Blind Individuals Services of Maryland (BISM). Prior to his two years with BISM, he worked for 12 years in the warehouse of Joe Corbi’s Pizza, a Pizza Kit Fundraising company. Charles shares a home with his twenty-year-old daughter, Destiny. He loves being outdoors, staying active, discovering new places, and connecting with both old and new friends. Ives is his first guide dog.
How would you describe your guide dog? “Ives is energetic, happy, playful, and very smart. He is interested in everyone and everything around him. He always wants to be by my side, outside exploring the world. I wouldn’t trade Ives for the world.”
What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes? “Back in the late 1990s, I learned about Guiding Eyes from my mobility specialist. I also read comments on Facebook and in my research on guide dog schools that Guiding Eyes had smaller size classes. The feedback was very positive. With the realization that I am getting older and a little slower, and flash forward twenty years or so, I felt it was time to pursue a guide dog to help me maintain my independence and have additional companionship.”
How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “I have greater freedom with Ives by my side when I’m walking outside. I can get around faster and safer with his constant companionship.”
Were there any training highlights? “I didn’t know what to expect when coming to train at the Guiding Eyes campus. The training experience was nothing short of perfect. The staff and the building access enabled me to have a great experience. The nursing staff, especially in the evening, were so helpful. I could not have imagined it was going to be so nice. The staff was efficient and accommodating, and the meals were excellent. I can’t believe they are able to provide everything they do through receiving donations and charity. Amazing…”
DOB: 10/4/2022
Litter ID: 2I322
Color/Breed: Yellow/Labrador Retriever
Gender: Male
Brood: Edna
Stud: Ralphie
Littermates: Ingalls, Ipso, Iman, Iva, Ink, Indra, Isley, Irving
Region: Baltimore, Montgomery
Regional Puppy Instructor: Jeanyne Gembarski
Puppy Raiser: The Lipsey Family, Kathryn Bosley & Christopher Nakamura, Kiersten Newtoff
Facebook: Baltimore Puppy Raisers
Facebook: Montgomery Puppy Raisers
My daughter and I were starter raisers for Ives as he was 1 of 11 pups bred from Ralphie’s first litter, and our family raised Ralphie for 18 months. We know firsthand how guide dogs provide enhanced mobility and renewed independence to their handlers, as my oldest son is a guide dog user. Ives started in a loving home mentored by guide dog, Patrick, and best friend and pet lab, Ollie. Thank you to Guiding Eyes for the Blind for giving our family an opportunity to be a small part of providing a life changing gift to someone. ~ Mindy and Emily Lipsey
I’ve never had a puppy that has as much love as Ives. His favorite past time was getting cuddles from anyone who would accept them, including his friend Grover. Ives loved joining his raiser at work everyday and being another student in the classroom. He is a really happy pup and eager to please! ~ Kiersten Newtoff