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Guide Dog Imus

Meet Guide Dog Imus

Black guide dog Imus sits in harness (close-up)Graduated March 2024

DOB:  11/5/2021
Litter ID: 6I321
Color/Breed:  Black/Labrador
Gender: Male
Brood: Zula
Stud: Darren
Littermates: Ira, Ingalls, Ina, Ives, Izzie, Idaho, Icabod
Region:  Leatherstocking NY
Regional Puppy Instructor: MeKalea Chambliss
Puppy Raiser:  Emily Kliment
Facebook: Leatherstocking NY Puppy Raisers

From the Puppy Raiser…

When I first got Imus at 8 weeks old I knew he would make a great impact on someone’s life. There was never a day that Imus was not eager to put his vest on and explore the world. He is the most goofiest, loving and excited puppy I have ever met. Words can’t express how proud I am of him and everything he’s accomplished. My favorite memory with Imus is our daily walks to the coffee shop, daily cuddle sessions and walking across stage at my college graduation. To this day people still mention Imus at graduation because he stole the show by posing for the cameras on stage. That is a photo I will cherish forever. I am so proud of you Imus and I’m so grateful that you are going to make someone as happy as you made me. ~Emily Kliment