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Guiding Eyes graduate wins prestigious award

Abby and Kathy
Abby and Kathy

Every year, the Yes I Can Award program selects its recipients from hundreds of applicants who shine as scholars, artists, athletes, community volunteers, advocates, technology experts and students who are making the successful transition from school into adult life.  We are proud to share that Guiding Eyes grad Abby Edwards was selected as a 2015 recipient of this honor!

Abby is taking college courses at Wright State University while finishing up high school – all with yellow Labrador guide dog Kathy by her side.  She’ll head to WSU in the fall to begin study for a bachelor’s degree in psychology and ultimately she hopes to live independently in a big city, with a role in the medical field.  In a recent Dayton Daily News interview, Abby shares, “I’ve learned that any goal is achievable if I set my mind to it.”

Congratulations Abby!