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Isabelle and Boston

Meet Graduate Isabelle

Isabelle sits side by side with her black lab guide dog Boston for their team portraitGraduate Team: Isabelle and Boston
About the Team: Boston: male black Lab; Isabelle’s 2nd guide dog
Location: Washington, DC
Training: December 2024 On-Campus

Izzy grew up in a small town in Maine before attending Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts for her middle and high school education. After 2 ½ years in California, she moved back to the East Coast last year to be near her mother who resides nearby in Maryland. They enjoy weekly visits, taking turns cooking and spending time together. Izzy is a passionate animal lover who enjoys nature documentaries, Shark Week, fossils, and exploring the outdoors. She loves showing her friends around Washington, D.C., when they’re in the area, taking them to see the monuments and space museum, and having other adventures. Izzy loves working out and makes good use of the gym in her building. She is a fan of Bath & Body Works, taking advantage of their rewards program to purchase her favorite scents, and also describes herself as “addicted to Starbucks” finding enjoyment in collecting their cups. Izzy loves helping people and is searching for a job in the customer service industry. She has participated in speaking engagements on occasion, to bring awareness to blindness.

How would you describe your guide dog? “Boston is good in harness and work mode. When the harness is off, he’s a completely different dog and super energetic, but when we’re in the house, he can be lowkey. He’s a huge cuddle bug and will lay on me in bed. Some of his favorite toys are Kong’s Wubba and sticks, and he loves Nylabones. I can get him to play for a solid 30 minutes. When he’s working, he’s focused and target-oriented. He signals when we’re coming up to a curb, and he’s eager to get a cookie after pointing it out. He’s quick to pick up on routes and is familiar with places we go to often. He’s the most food-oriented dog and would do anything for food. I love him and fell in love immediately. He can be calm and laid back, but he also has personality.”

What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes? “Guiding Eyes was always my first choice. I applied while in high school but had to wait until my living arrangements were more settled. I spent time with my friend, Kassie, a graduate of Guiding Eyes, and saw how she worked with her dog, as well as Aliceson who has Gait. They are lovely and well-behaved dogs. Once I got there for class, I didn’t want to leave. For years it was something I had hoped for. From the trainers to Chef Rob, Peter, and everyone, I can see why people talk so highly about Guiding Eyes. It seems like a family.”

How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “It’s so freeing. When I did my first night route with him, I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ At night, I don’t have to worry and can just go. I feel much safer with him. I feel like he’s got me, and I’ve got him. My friend Kassie took an 18-hour Amtrak to visit me, and we all went to Starbucks when she arrived. With Boston, I didn’t have to worry; he’s amazing. Although we’ve only been working together for about a month, I can’t believe it. I can’t wait to see where our journey takes us. I feel like I can trust him.”

Were there any training highlights? “Training went by so fast. A highlight was when the support leash came off, and my instructor, Dan, did so without me knowing. His encouragement throughout training was so appreciated, especially when he would observe us working, and say we were perfect, he wouldn’t change a thing. Boston handled and adapted to any new environment we went to, whether it was the train or a bus and when we flew home, he was amazing. I used to use a wheelchair in the airport because TSA didn’t know how to help me. When we landed in DC, they asked if I needed a wheelchair, and I told them no. It felt amazing for Boston and I to follow them instead. He’s made for me; he was waiting just for me.”

Meet Guide Dog Boston

DOB:  8/31/2022
Litter ID: 6B322
Color/Breed:  Black/Labrador Retriever
Gender: Male
Brood: Helen
Stud: Dover
Littermates: Bean, Barney, Baja, Brindy, Bingo, Bonnet, Bruno
Region:  Columbus
Regional Puppy Instructor: Leslie Stephens
Puppy Raiser:  Janet Newcity, Cora Anderson
Facebook: Columbus Puppy Raisers

From the Puppy Raiser…

Boston earned the nickname “Baby Boston” when we first met him as a puppy and he never grew out of it. I’ll always be grateful that I got to watch this sweet little guy grow into who he is today and see him change a life. ~ Cora Anderson

Photos of the Team…