“Congratulations to the June graduating class and guide teams. Healthy Vision Association is proud to support Guiding Eyes and all the great work you do.”
Healthy Vision Association Charity Fund
“We celebrate all of the graduates this day. We appreciate all of your perseverance to arrive at this point in your journey with Guiding Eyes. We dedicate our shared sponsorship of this particular graduation to the memory of Kate Fanti. She was an enthusiastic Guiding Eyes volunteer who brought the understanding of the important mission of Guiding Eyes to WCDNF. She brought Omar to a club meeting. We miss her and we believe that her giving, friendly manner helped with the preparation of the Guiding Eyes puppies. She often shared photos and anecdotes about her very special puppies at club meetings.”
Women’s Club Danbury/New Fairfield
Graduate Team: Jacquelyn and Hansa
About the Team: Hansa, a female black Lab, is Jacquelyn’s 4th guide dog
Hometown: Payson, Arizona
Guide Dog Mobility Instructor: Michael Goehring
Jacque is a retired food scientist and served in the United States Air Force. Since retiring, she has volunteered for many organizations, including those that support the visually impaired. Jacque makes pottery and loves to bake. She also is an avid reader and walker. Jacque is a native of Arizona, and recently moved from the Phoenix area to the mountains. She loves to travel and is looking forward to an upcoming trip to celebrate her and her husband’s 50th wedding anniversary.
How would you describe your guide dog? “Hansa is a rock star! I have been so impressed with her. She is a rock-solid guide and a sweetheart. When the harness goes on, she is all business and ready to work. Hansa enjoys our weekly routine outings such as the grocery store, coffee with friends, pottery class and church. However, Hansa is a lot like me; she is always up for a new challenge and adventure. We are perfectly matched!”
What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes? “I was impressed by the excellent breeding program as well as the training at Guiding Eyes. I always return to Guiding Eyes for new guides, as needed.”
How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “I have had a guide dog for the past 21 years. By giving me back my independence and freedom, my guide dogs have given me my life back!”
Were there any training highlights? “This was my first-time doing home training. It was all a highlight! It was nice to be able to work in my local environment and get Hansa familiar with my routes right away. After not having a guide for a year, I am so happy to have a dog again – it’s a joy!”