Graduate Team: Joel and Lenny
About the Team: Lenny: male, black Labrador Retriever; Joel’s 1st guide dog
Location: Essex Junction, Vermont
Training: November 2024 On-Campus
Joel was born and raised in New York City and has always lived in the greater NYC area. Twenty-five years ago, he fulfilled his dream of relocating to the serene environment of western Vermont. With a master’s degree, Joel worked as a therapist for 30 years, primarily focusing on helping individuals with chemical dependency. Now retired, he recently returned to work part-time for the Vermont Association of the Blind, where he enjoys using his therapeutic skills to facilitate support groups. Joel is also a musician who plays many string instruments. Before losing his vision to AMD, (age-related macular degeneration), he enjoyed making guitars in his workshop. He comes to Guiding Eyes for his first guide dog, Lenny, to maintain his independence and to travel safely.
How would you describe your guide dog? “Lenny is the most well-trained and well-behaved dog I have ever met. He’s 2 ½ years old, an excellent guide, and a welcome companion. He has exceeded my expectations!”
What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes? “During Orientation & Mobility training, I realized curbs and similar obstacles were a real challenge and very intimidating to me. My instructor suggested that I may benefit from a guide dog. A colleague at the Vermont Division of the Blind recently received a guide dog from Guiding Eyes and encouraged me to apply. I am 75 years old and was concerned that I may not qualify for a guide dog because of my age. My age was never an issue at Guiding Eyes. This was important, and I so appreciate it.”
How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “Lenny has impacted my life in many ways. My days are fuller, and more purpose-driven as I now have Lenny to care for. I wake up earlier, and exercising Lenny in turn keeps me active. We enjoy hikes in the nearby woods and are looking forward to spring when we can really venture into nearby cities and practice our skills as a team.”
Were there any training highlights? “I went to training not fully knowing what to expect. I could not have anticipated what a wonderful experience it would turn out to be. Each member of the staff greeted me with such a positive and caring attitude. The training was a lot of work and at times I got discouraged, but I was always reassured by supportive and helpful feedback. There was a total of 7 students in the class. We are all from a variety of places and live different lives, but we bonded over our shared goal of successfully handling our guide dogs. We created a group chat where we regularly exchange tips, tricks, and encouragement through texts. Another highlight was meeting Lenny’s puppy raisers at graduation. We keep in touch, and they have generously shared pictures and videos with me showing Lenny as he grew and learned with them. We both love Lenny, and we have established something of a special co-parenting vibe.”
DOB: 6/21/2022
Litter ID: 7LL22
Color/Breed: Black/Labrador Retriever
Gender: Male
Brood: Via
Stud: Elrod
Littermates: Leone, Lupo, Lorenzo, Lucerne, Luigi, Lenora
Region: Rhode Island
Regional Puppy Instructor: Maureen Hollis
Puppy Raiser: Michael & Jo Wettstein
Facebook: Rhode Island Puppy Raisers
Lenny was our first puppy as new raisers. He came to live with us as a 9 week old fuzzy bundle of fur and we raised him until he was 20 months old. Lenny LOVES to learn and gets so excited each time he learns something new. He’ll run to his kennel at bedtime, but he’ll look and wait for you to tell him he can go! He has incredible food bowl manners (because food IS his favorite thing!) and he’ll enjoy every outing you take him on. Lenny is the sweetest, funniest, independent-thinking boy. His willingness and enthusiasm and love of practicing his skills (especially when there are treats around!) will make you proud. He also loves a good big “snore” at bed-time after a long day! Although having these dogs leave you is one of the hardest things as a Puppy Raiser, seeing Lenny happy in his job as a guide and all he has achieved, totally warms our hearts. We are extremely proud and grateful. A huge Congratulations to Joel and Lenny! We wish you a very happy future of adventures together. ~ Jo Stevenson and Michael Wettstein