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Keep Calm and Wag On

Keep calm and wag onWe’re waggin’ our tails with excitement because we’re officially at the halfway point of the May WAGATHON and more than 900 of you have signed up, are racking up miles, and fundraising for Guiding Eyes for the Blind!

So now that we’re halfway through the month of May, we challenge all of you to raise an additional $131 to commemorate the 13.1 mile half marathon milestone! Haven’t signed up yet? It’s not too late!

I’m new to the WAGATHON and want to sign-up, but what exactly is it?

The Guiding Eyes for the Blind WAGATHON is a virtual marathon that you and your four-legged best friend do together. Walk or run a cumulative marathon on your own time, all while raising critical funds to support our mission of providing guide dogs to people with vision loss. No pup? No problem. You can still participate!

Why should I participate in the WAGATHON this May?

You’ll raise funds that go directly towards making a real difference in the lives of those with vision loss. Hear first-hand from a few of our recent graduates and WAGATHON participants:

Graduate Rebekah with guide dog Regal
Rebekah and Regal

Rebekah, a 2017 graduate from Guiding Eyes for the Blind, is participating in the WAGATHON as an opportunity to give back. After being paired with her Guiding Eyes dog Regal, she wanted to have a hand in enabling others to experience the life-changing impact a guide dog can make.

“It’s difficult to express the depth of what Regal means to me: confidence, independence, freedom, and joy. With Regal by my side, I know we can tackle the adventures and challenges living and working in NYC brings in stride. Not only that, but he is an amazing companion to share these experiences with!”

Alexis and guide dog Yankee
Alexis and Yankee

Another Guiding Eyes graduate, Alexis, joined the WAGATHON because being paired with her guide dog, Yankee, brought back her confidence and a greater level of independence. “Partnering with a Guiding Eyes dog has enabled me to walk places with more confidence and dignity. Crossing busy streets and navigating steps with no railings are much easier with Yankee’s skill and training. He is a great worker and friend.”

Alexis also enjoys educating the public about guide dog ownership. Participating in the WAGATHON is another way she’s able to bring awareness to the capabilities of those with vision loss. “Educating others is one step on the road to a world with less ignorance and prejudice.”

Nicole and guide dog Pat
Nicole and Pat

Guiding Eyes graduate, Nicole, and her guide dog, Pat, are participating because she has had three guide dogs from us — each one of them having changed her life. “My dog is more than just my eyes. He is a part of my heart and body. He means the entire world to me.”

So lace up your shoes, clip on those leashes, and start (or continue) racking up the miles for you and your pooch’s WAGATHON! Visit for more information and to sign up.

And remember, keep calm and wag on!