Greetings Grads!
Our next Guiding Eyes Graduate Council Quarterly Call is scheduled for Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 7PM eastern. The session is titled, “Update on the Puppy Raiser Program: A Discussion about the Key Role Raisers Play in Our GEB Family.” All GEB grads and puppy raisers are welcome to attend.
We have put together a panel of dedicated Guiding Eyes senior staff and puppy raisers. Joining us for the discussion are:
This will be a time of fellowship to share in the bond between puppy raisers and guide dog teams. During the forum we will highlight the devoted efforts of puppy raisers and discuss ways we can further involve raisers in the GEB community, including through sharing the experiences of guide dog teams and supporting recruiting efforts.
As one long-time raiser recently said in a note to the Council, “Thank you to all for sharing the experiences of graduates with puppy raisers. It bridges the gap/closes the loop for everyone involved in this wonderful journey. That’s what family is all about and I think of all of you as part of my GEB family!”
We will also receive an update from GEB staff on the puppy program and chat about possibilities for attracting new puppy raisers to assist Guiding Eyes.
Please send your questions for the panelists to: by Friday, October 25, 2024. We will also take questions during the call.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
The GEB Graduate Council
What: QC – Update on the Puppy Raiser Program: A Discussion about the Key Role Raisers Play in Our GEB Family
When: Sunday, October 27, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. Eastern
(Zoom links provided in a previous email.)