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Patti and Tory

Meet Graduate Patti

Patti sits side by side with her black lab guide dog Tory for their team portraitGraduate Team: Patti and Tory
About the Team: Tory: female black Lab; Patti’s 2nd Guiding Eyes dog
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Training: November 2024 On-Campus

Patti was born and raised in Florida. Her primary education was received at the Florida School for the Deaf & Blind, located in St. Augustine.  She continues to be affiliated with the school, serving as a VP of Alumni. Patti’s visual impairment at birth was due to congenital cataracts. Patti’s late husband was also visually impaired, and she wishes she had known about Guiding Eyes during his lifetime. They had one son, who passed away two years ago. Despite such loss, she is blessed with twenty-two-year-old twin granddaughters, Makayla and Makenzie, who bring her great joy and pleasure. Patti owns a vending business located at the U.S. Post Office Bulk Mail Center, where packages entering Florida are processed. She is grateful for the job training and ownership opportunities provided by the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Stand Act and the Florida Bureau of Business Enterprise, which support visually impaired individuals in receiving training and securing business ownership. Patti encourages others with vision loss to explore similar vending opportunities available at state highway rest areas, federal and state government buildings, and military properties. Patti enjoys bowling, which she currently does with a sighted league as well as with a blind league, traveling, and, most importantly, just hanging out with her granddaughters. Gillian, Patti’s retired guide, has welcomed Tory to the family.   

How would you describe your guide dog? “Tory is lovable. When I met her during my first day of training, she rolled onto her back immediately seeking my affection. She got attached to me very quickly and we love to be together. She gets along great with Gillian and my Chihuahua, Ala. She is very sharp and attentive to my needs and anticipates my next command.”

What made you decide to apply for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes?  “I originally learned about Guiding Eyes at a seminar I attended, sponsored by the Florida Council for the Blind. The representative from Guiding Eyes, Becky, spoke to me for over an hour and said that I would be a good candidate for a guide dog.”

How has having a guide dog impacted your life? “Since getting my first guide dog, I have had no more broken bones. This fact is amazing since I’d had six broken bones and countless other injuries before receiving a guide dog. Now I can pay closer attention to the world around me, as I can put my faith in the guide dog. This has enabled me to gain confidence and to travel to new places.”

Were there any training highlights?  “Training on-site was the best. My group consisted of seven students. We remain in contact and continue to learn from each other via a group text. It enables us to work through problems we may have in common. Our trainers were terrific, teaching us about the nuances of our dogs, and they are key to the program’s success. Chef Rob and his dietary crew catered to our taste and texture preferences and needs. The nurses on both the day and night shifts were wonderful. The staff in the field have visited Tory and me at home for follow-up, and they are always available if needed.”

Meet Guide Dog Tory

DOB:  8/3/2022
Litter ID: 2TT22
Color/Breed:  Black/Labrador Retriever
Gender: Female
Brood: Winter
Stud: Dover
Littermates: Tina, Timothy, Tanya, Tremaine, Trinket, Trixie, Tammy
Region:  Cleveland East
Regional Puppy Instructor: Macy Nauman
Puppy Raiser:  Renee Dohner, Janice & Danielle Pahl
Facebook: Ohio Puppy Raisers

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