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Avelash and O’Neil

Meet Graduate Avelash Graduate Team:  Avelash and O’NeilAbout the Team:  O’Neil,  a male yellow Lab, is Ave’s 1st guide dogLocation:  Gaithersburg, MarylandTraining:  May 2023 On-Campus Avelash is not only settling into his new role as guide dog handler, but also his position as a recruiter, assisting veterans in securing positions in fields such as aviation… Continue reading Avelash and O’Neil

Tara and Blanco

Meet Graduate Tara Graduate Team: Tara and BlancoAbout the Team:  Blanco, a male yellow Lab, is Tara’s 7th Guiding Eyes dogLocation:  Schenectady, New YorkTraining:  June 2023 Home training Tara was a special education teacher for many years. She has since retired from her position as Director of Talent Development and Training in the NYS Office… Continue reading Tara and Blanco

Guide Dog Francis

Meet Guide Dog Francis DOB:  1/23/2020Litter ID: 2F20Color/Breed:  Black/LabradorGender: MaleBrood: WinterStud: RyanLittermates: Finnian, Fallon, Fernando, Felipe, Fabian, Farrell, Ford, FeliciaRegion:  New HampshireRegional Puppy Instructor: Lisa BumbaloPuppy Raiser:  Carrie & Dwight BrewFacebook: New Hampshire Puppy Raisers From the Puppy Raiser… In my opinion, Francis’s greatest strength is his love of connecting with people. He is eager to please and loves a… Continue reading Guide Dog Francis

Joe and Martha

Meet Graduate Joe Graduate Team: Joseph and MarthaAbout the Team: Martha, a female black Lab, is Joe’s 1st  guide dogHometown: Bethesda, MarylandTraining: May 2023 On-Campus Joseph was born and raised in the Washington, D.C. area. He attended Loyola University in Baltimore, receiving his bachelor’s degree in business finance, followed by a graduate degree in public… Continue reading Joe and Martha

Pamela and Mary

Meet Graduate Pamela Graduate Team: Pamela and MaryAbout the Team: Mary, a female black Lab, is Pamela’s 3rd guide dogLocation: Ardmore, PennsylvaniaTraining: April 2023 On-Campus Pamela, a four-time Paralympian, and middle-distance runner returns to Guiding Eyes’ Running Guide Program. After serving in development and fundraising in the non-profit sector, she now works as the Director of Development and… Continue reading Pamela and Mary

Megan and Fulton

Meet Graduate Megan Graduate Team: Megan and FultonAbout the Team: Fulton, a male black Lab, is Megan’s 3rd Guiding Eyes dogLocation: Calgary, Alberta, CanadaTraining:  June 2023 On-Campus Megan was born and raised in Medicine Hat, a city in Alberta Canada, located along the South Saskatchewan River. Now in her retirement, she calls Calgary, Alberta home.… Continue reading Megan and Fulton

Angie and Douglas

Meet Graduate Angie Graduate Team:  Angie and DouglasAbout the Team:  Douglas, a male black Lab, is Angie’s 1st guide dogLocation:  Richmond, VirginiaTraining: May 2023 On-Campus Angie is a college student pursuing her bachelor’s degree. She is majoring in pre-law and philosophy with a minor in Spanish. Her academic pursuits are likely to continue after graduating,… Continue reading Angie and Douglas

Christian and Gideon

Meet Graduate Christian Graduate Team: Chris and GideonAbout the Team: Gideon, a male black Lab, is Chris’ 1st Guiding Eyes dogLocation:  Wilmington, DelawareTraining: April 2023 On-Campus Chris and his daughter, Mila, live in Wilmington, Delaware where Chris is retired from a 25-year long career as a project manager. Chris is also a musician and music… Continue reading Christian and Gideon

Erin and Neptune

Meet Graduate Erin Graduate Team: Erin and NeptuneAbout the Team: Neptune, a male black Lab, is Erin’s 3rd guide dogLocation: Berkeley, CaliforniaTraining: April 2023 On-Campus Erin works remotely as a digital accessibility engineer for a healthcare company. She previously worked in the educational technology field and at non-profits, a shift from her English and psychology… Continue reading Erin and Neptune

Graduate Spotlight: Karen and Flint

It’s an incredible experience. Sensing their intelligence and feeling how they care for you is impossible to understand unless you’ve experienced it yourself.” Karen Dewing, about working with guide dog, Flint At Guiding Eyes, we firmly believe in the transformative power of guide dogs. For individuals who are blind or adjusting to a life with… Continue reading Graduate Spotlight: Karen and Flint